Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting
Smart Bedwetting Alarm - One Stop Bedwetting

Smart Sengevæting Alarm

(167 kunde anmeldelser)

kr 1199,99

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  • En alarm med en hjerne, er Smart Sengevæting Alarm ™ utviklet for å stoppe sengevæting i dype sviller og barn.
  • Alarmenheten sykler automatisk gjennom 8 advarseltoner for å unngå “Auditory Accommodation” (det vil si vant til en tone)
  • Strong Hold ™ unisex sensor registrerer raskt urin og vekker barnet ditt i løpet av sekunder
  • Gratis utskiftbare ansiktsetiketter endrer utseendet på alarmen din for å holde barnet motivert gjennom behandlingsprosessen
  • er liten og nett sengevæting alarmenheten en mikroprosessor som gjør det Smart. Inkluderer 1 års produsentens garanti
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Best product!!

5 out of 5

Best product!!... More..


5 out of 5

Nothing worked like Smart. I mean absolutely nothing. This alarm made my son go from bedwetting twice a night to completely dry within 8 weeks. Hes turned 10 and this is a great alarm.... More..

Best Bedwetting Alarm

5 out of 5

First off, all this product worked for my son after trying so many other home remedies. I was hesitant to buy this because of the cost but I was at my wit's end. Finally I purchased this alarm after researching it and I made the right choice. It has worked incredibly well. We started seeing results the night we used it and my son was dry in 6 weeks... More..

5 stars

5 out of 5

My son was wetting the bed at least 2-3 times a week, despite waking him up halfway through the night and making him use the bathroom. The first three nights didn't go well, but by the fourth night the alarm was waking him up and he would get up to finish in the bathroom. Three weeks later, he suddenly stopped bed wetting and has never wet the bed ... More..

5 out of 5

After a month of using the Smart alarm, my daughter is sleeping through the night without even needing to get up in the early morning to go to the bathroom. It was a very big deal for her when she felt ready and requested to go back into his bedroom with her brothers. I am so proud of my child and she is very proud of herself.... More..

Get it if you want success

4 out of 5

This bedwetting alarm worked for my 9-year-old son after we had tried many other things including many recommendations from a pediatric urologist. It takes a while and getting used to, but overall, very effective.... More..

We are so excited.

4 out of 5

We bought it out of pure frustration and desperation over a problem that just wasn't getting any better. In the first few days a dry night was an extreme rarity. We were worried if it will work but by about week 3 we suddenly started having dry nights. By about week 4 he was dry all the time. He's now on week 6 and will have his 14 straight nights ... More..


5 out of 5

It has now been something like a month since an accident. The alarm is easy to use, and has worked pretty reliably. Customer service was great to work with as well. We are thrilled that we had so much success with this alarm. Worth every penny.... More..


5 out of 5

After 8 years of super wet diapers/pull ups and attempts to be dry at night .we bought this amazing alarm that not only stopped my son’s wetting but made him happy and confident boy.... More..

It is truly amazing

5 out of 5

After about two weeks of mixed success, we started to see progress. We've now gone a month without a single bed wetting incident. Incredible considering that just two months ago, he was wetting the bed pretty much every night.... More..

We highly recommend this product

5 out of 5

It is the best gift I could have given my little girl. It has alleviated her anxiety and made her the self-content she longed for, saving her incredible embarrassment. Fabulous effective product. It works as advertised.... More..

Best purchase of this year

5 out of 5

My son is 6 years old and I can count on one hand the number of dry nights he'd had since birth! I wasn't too stressed about the bedwetting because I knew my son would eventually outgrow it. But once he turned six, he started to get embarrassed that he couldn't stay dry, so I decided to purchase this alarm based on the rave reviews. It worked so we... More..

Super easy to use

5 out of 5

He attached the product himself easily. Noticed changes in his nighttime wetting immediately! Alarmed a few times during the first couple of weeks, but actually began waking to use the bathroom without the alarm sounding by week two. He has been dry every night since and so proud!... More..


5 out of 5

Amazing results and I highly recommend this product!... More..

Fully Meets Expectations

5 out of 5

We have been using this alarm for about one month. We followed most of the suggestions of the other reviewers. We are very pleased with the durability of the product and the results we have gotten.... More..
Wake Up Dry, Feel Confident ™ med Smart Sengevæting Alarm. Dette one of a kind Sengevæting Alarm med sin patenterte teknologi “kan stoppe sengevæting i uker.


Barnevennlig Alarm Passer for barn i alderen 5 og eldre. Smart sengevæting alarmer stoppe sengevæting på en morsom måte. Slank, elegant og elegant, Smart er et kvalitetsprodukt som er omhyggelig sammensatt for perfektion med høyeste kvalitet. Dette sengevæting alarm er anbefalt for barn og dype sviller til bruk hjemme og på farten. Den diskrete funksjonaliteten til denne alarmen gjør den allsidig. Innholdet i boksen er alt du trenger for å fullføre en vellykket behandling.
Innovativ Strong Hold SensorStrong Hold ™ -sensoren har et stort urindeteksjonsområde som oppdager den første dråpen urin. Denne sensoren griper seg til undertøyet med et tett hold. Dette sikrer sensoren er på plass og vil ikke tilfeldigvis kommer ut om natten, slik at du aldri trenger å bekymre deg mangler en sengevæting hendelse. Den lille og kompakte designen vil ikke peke barn og gir maksimal komfort om natten.
3 Modusalarm – Lydelig lys-vibrasjonSmart Sengevæting alarmer er designet for å stoppe sengevæting effektiv måte. Denne alarmen er designet for barn, spesielt tunge sviller. Drevet med 8 høye toner, lys og sterke vibrasjoner, vil dette sengevæting alarm hjelpe telefon barn på å oppdage de første dråper urin. Barn kan velge mellom tre driftsformer – lyd og vibrasjon, kun lyd og vibrasjon (diskret modus er tilgjengelig for arrangementer som leirer og sleepovers).
Smart mikroprosessorSmart Sengevæting Alarm er drevet av en liten og kraftig mikroprosessor med komplekse algoritmer som gjør to viktige ting. Først advarsler det barnet ditt med lydlysvibrasjonsvarsler når det gjelder å oppdage urin, og for det andre sikrer det et trygt behandlingsregime.
Utskiftbare ansikts klistremerkerHold barnet motivert ved å endre utseendet til Smart-alarmen når det er nødvendig. Smart Sengevæting Alarm leveres med 4 gratis klistremerker som kan endres ved behov. Bare skallet et klistremerke og plassere den på din Smart Sengevæting Alarm og du har et nytt utseende. Barn vil elske alarmen og trene barnet ditt vil være en morsom og smertefri opplevelse.

Emballasjeinnhold Smart Sengevæting alarmenheten, godt hold sensor, smekk-klemme, to AAA batterier, klistremerker og belønningssystemet

Wake Up Dry, føler seg trygg ™ med Smart Sengevæting Alarm. Dette one of a kind Sengevæting Alarm med sin patenterte teknologi “kan bidra til å stoppe sengevæting i uker.
Enkel å sette opp
Fest sensoren til utsiden av barnets undertøy. Plasser alarmenheten på pyjamatoppen på feste på barnets overarm med a comfy armband for ekstra komfort.
Våkner den dypeste sovende
Vår patentsøkende teknologi hjelper til med å oppdage den første dråpen urin. Ved gjenkjenning utløses alarmen med høye lyder, lyse lys og sterk vibrasjon for å sikre at barnet ditt våkner raskere.
Stopper Sengevæting permanent
Om noen uker blir barnet betinget av å anerkjenne behovet for å tømme blæren om natten og lærer å holde seg tørt permanent.

Smart ™ Sengevæting alarmer er flott for barn og dype sviller. Vi anbefaler denne alarmen for barn i alderen 5 og eldre. Over tid kan barn bli dishearted eller kan miste interessen i bedwetting-behandlingen. Men Smart sengevæting alarm løser dette, den smarte måten! Med lyse og fargerike ansikts klistremerker kan barn tilpasse utseendet på alarmen når og når de trenger det. Hver Smart alarm kommer med en lenke til et nedlastbart fremdriftsplan for å gjøre sporing av barnets fremgang morsomt og givende.

I motsetning til noen tradisjonelle klipsensorer som kan komme ut om natten, forblir Smart Alarms sterke ventesensor sikkert festet om natten. Selv om barn beveger seg, kaster og setter seg i seng, vil sensoren ikke komme av. Denne sensoren har et stort urinoppdagelsesområde som sikrer at det ikke blir savnet en bedwetting-hendelse.

Du kan spare tid og penger med dette briljant designet barnevennlig alarm ved å stoppe sengevæting permanent. Et engangskjøp av denne alarmen kan spare opptil $ 500 om året på kostbare treningsbukser eller bleier. Holdbare batterier med lang levetid følger med denne alarmen.

Smart sengevæting alarm kan kobles til en pyjamas topp med en snap-on klipp (inkludert), men for ekstra komfort vi anbefaler bruk av Comfy-Armband™ som kan kjøpes separat.

Produsent Theos Medical Systems

8 Tone, Sterk Vibrasjon og Bright Light
Sensortype Sterk holdesensor med stort urinoppdagelsesområde
Alarm Dimensjon (Ca.) Alarmenhet – 2,5 “x 2,1” x 0,8 “
Sensor Dimensjon (Ca.) 26,5 “lang ledning. Sensor Dimensjoner – 1,2 “x 0.6” x 0,4 “
Batterier 2 AAA-serien (inkludert)
Produktserie TSV45 Series
Farge Perle
Spesielle instruksjoner I henhold til instruksjonene, skyll sensoren under vann med spaken åpne etter hvert sengevæting ulykken. Rengjør forsiktig med klut og la det lufttørke.
mobilapp Kommer snartt
garanti 1 års produsenter begrenset garanti på alarmenhet, 90 dager produsenter begrenset garanti på sensor

Av hygieniske årsaker anbefales det alltid å bruke en ny sensor for hvert barn som skal behandles. Sensorer kommer i kontakt med urin og ikke rengjør dem ordentlig kan forårsake problemer. Spare sensorer er tilgjengelige i Tilbehørsseksjonen.

Hver Smart Sengevæting Alarm leveres med 4 utskiftbare klistremerker. På dette tidspunktet er det ingen ekstra design i klistremerkene.

Når du ikke er i bruk, koble alarmenheten fra sensoren og lagre dem begge på et kjølig, tørt sted. Hvis du bruker et armbånd, må du lagre alarmenheten i armbåndet. Ved å koble sensoren fra alarmen, sørger du for at batteriene varer lenger.

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4.66 out of 5 stars

167 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. Rogier



    Great item to help with bedwetting, I don’t know if it just knew our son was wearing it or what, but it worked very well for him. It buzzed just enough to wake him up but not everyone else in the house. I highly recommend.

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  2. Angela B

    Very Pleased With Smart

    Angela B

    My son has been using the Smart alarm for about two months. I followed his doctors suggestions and I am very pleased with the durability of the product and the results we have gotten.

    My DS was bedwetting since he was a baby. On his 6th birthday, I started getting concerned. His physician recommended that I wait till he was older as he would eventually stop on his own. However he and I had had it with bedwetting and all we wanted was to keep him dry at night.

    The first two weeks I slept in my son’s bedroom. Each night he made progress by reducing the amount of urine that was released before going to stop. His body started learning, and every once and awhile his alarm went off to a small wet spot on his underwear he would get up and go to the bathroom. A month or so after that we stopped using the alarm. My son is now able to sleep dry throughout the night without wetting the bed.

    Here are some tips from me to other parents.
    Practice with the alarm so your child knows what to expect and how to operate it. Sleep in the child’s bedroom until they start waking up on their own. Also, help them change sheets at night. Have extra bedding, sheets and underwear ready so you don’t have to look for it at night. Consider purchasing the armband accessory as it really enhances comfort at night. My son hated putting the alarm on his neck, but once we used the armband, things changed and he was so much happier. Use the stickers that came with the alarm and the progress chart. Reward children for waking up dry, but don’t punish them for wetting the bed. Remember, encourage your child. The alarm is worth the money and will work. Good luck!

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  3. J.T.

    Little Amazed


    I agree with most pediatricians and parenting magazines that bedwetting is something you just have to wait for your kid to grow out of Our daughter just turned 5 recently, and she has never stayed dry at night, I decided to give the Bedwetting Alarms a shot, figuring if a beeping, vibrating alarm wouldn’t do it, I’d go back to assuming my daughter would stop wetting the bed whenever her brain/bladder grew out of it. And now, after using the alarm for about two weeks, she has had 8 or 9 total nights of being completely dry! I am little amazed and happy too that finally something worked.

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  4. Annette

    Worked for us!


    This works. My son (10 y/old) would be soaked every night. We used this for 2 weeks and he has been dry for the last 5 + months. I would recommend this to anyone. It is loud and the vibration works great. It is very sensitive to moisture.

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  5. D. H.

    Alarm is a God-sent

    D. H.

    Smart has worked like magic. We were starting to give up on our son and had lost all hopes of him ever stop bed-wetting. But this is an incredible system. It’s worked well and worked fast. In just a few days, we are seeing. I wish it came with an extra clip so I didnt have to clean one int he middle of the night.

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  6. Anne

    I had heard good things about bedwetting alarms


    I had heard good things about bedwetting alarms. I decided to try this one. The unit itself is smaller than I was expecting The alarm is quite loud and was consistent every time we used it .My son is responding very well to it.And they really work.

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  7. Sofie

    Completely trained in 2 weeks


    Great item to help with bedwetting, I don’t know if it just knew our son was wearing it or what, but it worked very well for him. It buzzed just enough to wake him up but not everyone else in the house. I highly recommend.

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  8. M. D. Brucq

    Works to wake my child when he wets the bed.

    M. D. Brucq

    So far, this alarm is doing its job. It is, in fact waking my son up when it he wets at night The directions are easy to follow I’m hoping that this one time investment will save us money in overnight pants.

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  9. Ivy Thomas

    An excellent product and value

    Ivy Thomas

    It’s working well. Purchased a month go and already seeing progress. The alarm is loud and wakes him up. He loves the stickers. They give the alarm a new look. Setting up the smart alarm was easy. Took a few minutes and it was ready to go. An excellent product and value.

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  10. Anders

    Would recommend to EVERYONE


    This product was AMAZING! My son was completely dry at night after only a week of use. Would highly recommend it to everyone who has a bedwetting child.

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